Korean Age Calculator

What is Korean age?
As a Korean age is defined the way in which the Koreans calculate their age. Koreans calculate their age specifically. Age of Koreans is always 1 or 2 years more than ‘normal’ age, calculated from the year of birth to the current year.
It means, if your birthday has passed this year, your Korean age is 1 year more. If your birthday hasn’t passed this year, your Korean age is 2 year more. In the next parts of this article, you will see practical examples of calculating Korean age, so keep reading.
How to calculate Korean age?
So, how to calculate Korean age? How can you make it on your own? We are coming with the explanation.
The basic way to calculate Korean age is to calculate your normal age and add 1 year more. This rule concerns all people whose birthday has passed this year.
The second way to calculate Korean age is to calculate your normal age and add 2 years more. This rule concerns all people whose birthday hasn’t passed this year so far.
So if you know the rules and theory, it’s time for practice. Check our examples of calculating the Korean age in the next part of this article.
Calculating Korean age – example
To calculate your Korean age, you need to firstly calculate age from date of birth. How to make it? Just subtract your year of birth from the current year. Have a look at the example to make it clear.
The calculations of normal age will look as follows. For instance, now is 2021, and you were born in 1990.
2021 - 1990 = 31
So your normal age is 31 years old. As you can see, it is simply calculating age from two dates. You can also use a calculator to get your age, for instance, an age calculator pearson available on our website.
Now you just need to know if your birthday has passed this year or not. The best way to know it is to ask yourself – do I have a birthday this year? You can also use a birthday calculator if you want.
So let’s see two examples. First one will be dedicated to the situation when your birthday passed this year.
Your age + 1 = Korean age
So if you are, for instance, 31 years old, the calculations will look like these:
31 + 1 = 32
So if your birthday passed this year, your Korean age is 32.
The second example will be dedicated to the situation when your birthday hasn’t passed this year.
Your age + 2 = Korean age
So if you are, for example, 31 years old, the calculations will look as follows:
31 + 2 = 33
So if your birthday hasn’t passed this year, your Korean age is 33.
We hope that calculating Korean age with these examples won’t be difficult for you anymore. But if you prefer ready-made solutions to calculate Korean age, check the next part, which is entirely dedicated to the Korean Age Calculator.
How to use the Korean Age Calculator?
The Korean Age Calculator is a tool dedicated to calculating Korean age. Thanks to this, it is possible to know Korean age without making any calculations on your own. The Korean Age Calculator will make everything for you. It is a kind of what is my age now calculator, but in the Korean version.
How to use the Korean Age Calculator? The use of it is simple, you will see. You just need to know your date of birth, that’s it. After entering it into the calculator, the app will make all calculations for you and give you the result – that is your Korean age.
Here, you can see how to use the Korean Age Calculator in 3 simple steps:
Enter your date of birth.
Click the ‘calculate’ button.
Enjoy the result and see your Korean age.
And now see an example of using the Korean Age Calculator. As in the previous part, let’s suppose that you were born in 1990. So, how to calculate the Korean age with this tool?
First, you need to enter the year of your birth, that is 1990. Then check if the current year is okay. It will be, because the Korean Age Calculator changes it automatically. But if something is wrong, just pick the year by yourself. Then click the ‘calculate’ button and wait for the result. That’s it. After a few seconds, you will have your result – you are 32 years old when it comes to Korean age.
We hope that now using our Korean Age Calculator is easy for you. And that’s the end of the main part of the article. We have a little tidbit for you now. Have you ever wondered why age is so important for Koreans? The answer to this question you will find down below.
Why is age important for Koreans?
Age is important for Koreans because of their culture. Attaching special importance to age is deeply rooted there. That’s why, for instance, Korean women care very much about their appearance. Probably you have seen Korean women who look so much younger than they really are. But it’s only one example of special importance to age in Korea.
The second one can be an age gap, which is extremely important in Korea. It means, the acceptable age gap in relationships in Korea is about 1-4 years. Differences like 10 years are unacceptable there.
Korean age – the summary
And that’s all we have prepared for you in this article. Now you know the basis of Korean age – you know what it is, how to calculate it, both on your own and using the Korean Age Calculator, and also why age is so important for Koreans.
Let’s use this knowledge in practice and surprise your friends or family. Check also our other articles about age and its calculations. We have a huge range of them!